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Asthma Got You Down? Feel Better With These Simple And Effective Tips

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Posted on: 07/15/22

Asthma is a complicated and sometimes downright scary medical condition. If you or somebody you love has been diagnosed with asthma, you probably have a lot of questions about what you can do to keep you or your family member safe and sound. This article will outline some tips to guide you on your way to managing your asthma safely.

Avoid keeping potted plants in your home. Certain plants might have a smell or change the nature of the air you breathe in a way that triggers asthma. If you want to keep plants, pay close attention to your symptoms and be ready to remove the plants if you notice any changes.

When dealing with asthma, you should limit your contact with animals. Many people who have asthma also have an allergy to pets. Even if you do not have an allergy to pets, pets can carry trigger substances, such as dirt, in their fur. These substances could cause an attack without you being allergic to pets.

When you know you have asthma be sure to exercise moderately. Excessive and prolonged physical activity may generate asthma attacks. Some people only have attacks during these exercises. Be sure to breathe through your nose when you exercise as breathing in cold air through your mouth can be the trigger of your attacks.

If your child is exhibiting any symptoms of asthma, be sure that you take them to the doctor right away. Beginning treatment at a young age can help your child live a longer, healthier life. Be sure that your childs doctor checks for asthma during yearly check-ups as well.

Control the humidity within your home. Many people with asthma have seasonal triggers, meaning that as the humidity changes, they are more prone to attacks. Keeping your home at a steady low level of humidity throughout the year by using a dehumidifer could drastically reduce the number of asthma attacks you have.

Keep the humidity in your home at a controlled level with a dehumidifier. Environments that are dry and clean should stay at the top of your list of asthma treatments. Ensuring the humidity is low in your home means you live and breathe in more ideal conditions that help to avoid triggers to your attacks that are seasonal.


A great tip that can help you deal with asthma is to exercise indoors. A lot of people just assume that they cant exercise because they have asthma, but thats not the case. The cold air outside is what aggravates asthma and you can avoid it by exercising indoors.

Never rush into a hard-core exercise program! Overworking your lungs with vigorous exercise is a common trigger for asthma attacks. By slowly starting your workout and building up to a more vigorous level, you can more easily avoid impending attacks. This also gives you an easier time if an attack does occur, as getting control of your breathing happens faster if you are exerting yourself less.

If you plan on exercising, use your inhaler about fifteen minutes before your workout time, and then carry it with you. This will give you a period of time in which you should be safe to exercise without adverse effects. Of course you should speak to your physician before starting an exercise program.

While this article is not to replace the advice of a medical professional, having knowledge of asthma can help you combat the more frustrating and limiting aspects of the disease. As you can see, there is a lot you can do to stop asthma from running your life, so get out there and start living!

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